
The flame in the flood
The flame in the flood

the flame in the flood
  1. #The flame in the flood upgrade#
  2. #The flame in the flood plus#

Et s'ils sont plus niombreux à avoir démoulé un cake pareil, ils devraient s'inquiéter parce que c'est vraiment inquiétant.

the flame in the flood

"The flame in the flood", un indé torché par deux crevards qui n'ont aucune idée de ce qu'ils font ou étaient en train de faire : sans doute des Alzheimer précoces de la programmation et opportunistes avec ça, puisqu'il ne s'agit que d'un jeu de survie bidon comme il y en a des dizaines. "The flame in the flood", un indé torché par deux crevards qui n'ont aucune idée de ce Qu'est-ce qu'on mange de pas bon aujourd'hui ?. Qu'est-ce qu'on mange de pas bon aujourd'hui ?. you aren’t guaranteed to get what you need from stopping at places that typically have those supplies… Especially medical supplies… MY first playthrough I had none, I had scratches and broken bones from running into enemies like boars and wolves and no way to fix them as I never ran into a drug store or was lucky enough to run into supplies to craft items while in my 2nd playthrough I was swimming in bandages alcohol and crutches… I feel this campaign would be miles better if it was more about managing than it was getting lucky… Instead the campaign only offers an end goal and a few npc characters to find… And if you do get lucky finding tons of food and other supplies it isn’t going to matter as the inventory is a joke… Slightly increased by the pack of your companion who also barks near items you can pick up or search as well as your raft… But it isn’t nearly enough to feel like you’re doing anything more than scrounging… All of this would’ve been fine in the endless mode as its own thing… But a campaign with no balance and just as luck based is a problem… Poor campaign mode but as a survival game its beautiful to look at and a pretty decent challenge… I give The Flame in the Flood a 7/10 … Expand

#The flame in the flood upgrade#

raft taking too much damage? pray you’ve found bolts and wood to repair or upgrade it… The problem is this is less about strategy and planning and more of a desperate search for items you need in the moment… And again you’re at the mercy of procedural generation… There is no balance of supplies. both are completely random… In this game you collect items to use as food, hydration, clothes to keep you warm, items to craft medical supplies and try to make your way down the river through the 10 different regions… The challenge is balance… Your nutrition drains by the second so you have to carefully choose when to stop at a location or when to keep going… Are you desperate for food? Stop at a farm sleep deprived or cold? Find a fire and shelter. Most of my issues with the game are exclusive to the campaign and are completely forgiven for endless mode… Mostly that in the campaign you’re at the mercy of procedural generation… you would think this would be a hand crafted and balanced journey down the river while endless mode would offer a randomized challenge… but no. The Flame in the Flood hurt by procedural generation Flame in the Flood is a rogue like survival game where you play as a woman named scout The Flame in the Flood hurt by procedural generation Flame in the Flood is a rogue like survival game where you play as a woman named scout who’s accompanies by a companion either asop or daisy There are 2 modes here, a campaign mode and an endless modes.

The flame in the flood